Saturday, July 10, 2010


The sound of the three tenors came drifting through the suite into the bathroom. There, in the surroundings of the marble interior, I soaked in a luxurious bath. Every little plastic bottle of smelly, colourful stuff had been emptied into the water to produce foaming mountains of bubbles.

There I lay, relaxing, humming along to some Puccini opera, sharing the tub with a week's worth of dirty boxer shorts, socks and t-shirts.

It's hard to find a cheap laundry this end of town.

In southern Thailand, I could get my clothes cleaned for about 80p a kilo – and I don't have many kilos of clothes. But in my hotel, you pay per item! £1 a sock! £3 for a pair of jeans! I mean, come off it. So I reacquainted myself with the childhood joy of having a bath with one's socks on.

It was, admittedly, a strange scene. A fly on the wall would have puzzled over the sight of a naked man in the bath giving each newly washed article the scientific sniff-test (much used by the male gender for quality control purposes; not so much the females).

Bloomin' hard work as well: scrubbing, rinsing, ringing. It's the first bath I've got out of so hot and sweaty that I had to have a shower.

So the clothes are now hung up on my 23rd floor balcony. I look forward to breakfast tomorrow with the locals wearing my clothes if the wind gets up tonight.

To celebrate my new clean wardrobe and self, I put on the only two things that had escaped my impromptu steamie and set off to a local food stall. I'd walked past it today and was determined to have some of the grub there. Problem was, my Thai isn't quite fluent yet and they'd not a word of Scottish. I hovered around the cooking area until they could ignore me no longer and bravely pointed out a few bits and pieces that were stewing, frying or roasting.

“Chicken?”, I said, pointing at some ambiguous looking meat.
“aaaahhh”, she replied, nodding.
Unsure if I'd been understood I tested with, “Pork?”.
“aaaahhh”, she replied, nodding. I'd pointed at the same thing. Mmm.
“Irn Bru?”, I said. “aaaahhh”, she replied, nodding.

But I gamely sat down and watched with interest and genuine surprise as each dish was placed in front of me. It was a cracking feast, and enough chili to power a nuclear sub. Best meal of the week.

And all for less than the price of one laundered sock.


  1. Yukky!! Bathing with your dirty clothes, I am so glad you had a shower afterward :)
    Did they have anything vegetarian at that stall? I'm guessing it wouldn't have been my cup of tea :)

  2. I had visions of something else when I saw the title of the post - lucky for Mary I was wrong!

    Glad you guys are having fun, you're really making me miss Thailand...

  3. Another very funny episode, keep em coming big man, the tv has been shite lately, and now the world cup is due to finish im panicing over the prospect of having to speak to other people again,

    stay loose,

    ps. any idea what it is you actually ate?

  4. The Bat in Cabin 12AJuly 11, 2010 at 3:29 PM

    The worrying thing is even though your blog contains horrific induced visions of you in bath with said socks on, its actually quite addictive and I find myself awaiting the next one with bated breath.....more please, much more.....

    Nana station, straight accross road, ask for nanananananana special

  5. yes, no man should have to think of another man naked but for his socks, nor poor Mary have to ponder the hygiene issues of bathing in water stewed in old socks.

    I will endeavor to keep the next post on safer, less controversial ground such a politics or religion:-)

    Thanks for comments..keep 'em coming.

  6. Pure Dead Brilliant ! Is there no end to this boys talents ! Wonder who he gets it from ! Mum xx
